Roll it girl, roll it…

I read an article saying that the smarter a woman is, the more likely she is to become single..It went on giving the reasons as to why men opt for less intelligent ladies despite the fact that they may be way up there making it. i don’t want to go there. The reasons in the article make my blood boil and I can’t imagine that this is what the society has turned into. And while yes I support family and all that stuff, I hate mediocrity with a passion!!!Welcome to my contemplations today…

The article made me have a million and one questions as to whether it’s wrong to go to school, have a career, build your life as a woman. Was I just born to be bought like some piece of property, make babies,follow my husbands command  like some sort of a robot?Don’t I have brains, feelings, emotions to express what I feel about situations? I think we’ve got it all wrong..I think we’ve got a bunch of wimps around who are selfish. And by the way the word selfish has a lot of definitions, and doesn’t just mean stingy with cash..

I know by this time someone out there might be thinking that I am being judgmental but before you say so, kindly hear me out. Come let us reason together in this issue. Today, I want to talk to the women who accept such proposals. I want to talk to the women who shrink back and not go after their dreams simply because the society has put fear in them that when they study or grow in their career they won’t be married. By the way, am writing with passion because I am affected in this. I am currently in school studying, ambitious but I believe in family. Though frankly, I haven’t made it that much, am still walking, still haven”t moved out of my parents house and I cant say that I have a job that I have settled in. there is still a place that I long  to work in. Each time a staff bus from the organization passes me by, I stand at attention like am singing the national anthem., Bae (I hate this word) what’s the translation saga am hearing about the song?Ati there was some misinterpretation..wolololo…after all these years, like 50 years and no one noticed the error..Really?

Back to the subject. I have established it already. I am not up there yet. But am glad I know myself.I know what works for me and what doesn’t though am still learning each day, but I can say that at least I have a rough idea of who I am. Do you know who you are?Do you know where you are going girl?Do you know the kind of man that you are ready and willing to help,for you were called to be a help mate. Not every vision is your vision and don’t follow a guy who doesn’t know where he’s going. Don’t let a man engulf you into what he does so much that you loose your identity in the name of being a good wife. To hell with that word good! I am furious..It is that word good..and  another word .. virtuous that has misled women into loosing who they are and settling for less. First, quoting that virtuous woman chapter thing, the Bible says that she buys land with cash from her savings. Who told you that being virtuous is staying at home and relying on your husband?Am not saying that you don’t stay at home and take care of your kids. In fact, I believe that being a mother is the highest calling in life. But there is this stupid mentality of laziness where a woman is waiting for a rich man to go work his ass off to pay the bills while you spend the cash without even thinking about tomorrow. Just another thought…just what does the word good mean?i think women are being exploited in the name of being told that they are good and that they should be virtuous.  The virtuous woman knows herself but never neglects her family and always respects her husband. She doesn’t let her success get into her head so much that she despises her husband..But that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have a life…she knows how to balance..

Regardless of how long it takes, never compromise on who you are for someone who can’t see it. The worst stories I have written is the regrets of people who just got married because age was catching up with them and gave up their dreams only to end up with some chap who ruined their lives. It all boils up to who will you say yes to girl. Does he possess the capacity to handle your success and failures, does he celebrate you or he frowns and throws a wet blanket over your achievements to make you feel less of a woman. And by the way, this thing is a two way traffic, you too should be able to support his vision and dream and be his best cheerleader. Another thing is this…criticism ain’t bad. Sometimes being supportive doesn’t mean that you say nice word only but know how to say it. This topic is for another day..LOL…

When that man dies or gets another woman you’re gonna be all alone. Always remember that. You are going to rely on what you invested, if you had any, you are going to have to know your identity without that man, his money and all that crap he lied to you with. You came alone in this world, and though you are two joined to become one, you are alone with your God, and your burdens. That’s why I will never fear of all the nonsense I hear in the world about men marrying younger women because women like us intimidate them. It just means that they are sissies and haven’t grown to the maturity of handling such women. Am not saying that all career women are marriage materials, whatever the word means, but not all of them are bad women. I will never look down on myself simply because by God’s grace I have attained greater things than you..Heeelll nooo…I will never be a plan B for someone simply because he opted to have a rural woman for a wife and now the wife can’t match up to standards he’s looking for some support. so please help me God. I never forget that clause because, this world is round, and it takes God’s grace to stand amidst the pressures of this world. So baby girl go for your dreams, don’t let fear, desperation stop you. There is a man out there for you, as surely as God lives, and if you don’t compromise your standards, God will open his eyes wherever he is..Chaaaiiiiiii……


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