It is with great sorrow that I write this blog today. We have lost another great artist whom we adored and enjoyed his work. Robin Williams. RIP. So today I dedicate this letter of great admiration as well as admonition to what his death means to us the living souls still existing in this planet called earth.
Dear Mr. Robin Williams,
I still can’t believe that you are gone. You seemed to be one of those people who can never die, who will always be around acting and we will always be around watching your great work. Hence, am still in shock and I haven’t believed that you are gone.
Frankly speaking, my blog today is not to narrate about the many great movies that you have done. I have a burning issue to pour out today. It’s a pity how you died like a yeye man, if I may dig into my Nigerian vocab store house. How could you have battled with such a thing as depression and no one not even your wife knew about it? How could you, who made us laugh until tears rolled down our cheeks died of great sorrow? In our country, we have a tribe known as the Waswahili who have this great proverb that says maganga hajigangi( a medicine man never treats himself). Your story is a real manifestation of this proverb. How you made people laugh and you had no strength to battle the sadness in your life. You have taught me serious lessons great man. I wish I learnt this earlier while you were still alive and not now when you are gone to the world of the dead. There is no laugh or tears there. So I hear, I wonder why you killed yourself.
Number one. Great people die and it matters how they check out. You are not the only one who has died miserably. I have noted with keen interest how many great people die miserably as if they were just ordinary people. For instance, Gary Coleman, a great comedian whose program we enjoyed greatly died penniless only for us to write millions of RIP messages on our face book walls and our twitter pages on how great he was..So fake!Let me give another example of Dana Mitchelle Plato, a great actress of the same comedy, different strokes who died of an overdose of substance abuse and was also in a state having no mulla. I can go on and on to give stories of many great people who have endured the rough and tumble of the industry only to end up living a life of penury. A life that if we had been keen enough to support, we would have many of these great talents happy as kings enjoying what they love doing best. Entertaining us.
Number two. Leave a legacy. Yes, leave a legacy. You have left a legacy of movies that are full of humor. I vividly recall your movie, Mrs Doubt Fire. I have re watched that movie over and over again until right now my mouth can tell you of the next scene and what you will say words for word. The movie was about divorce and coincidentally, it depicted how your life was. The ups and down, the many marriages and divorce. it’s really a sad life. The animations were excellent too. Up to date, I love Aladdin, the tired story, that has been retold in many different versions by different people. You did a good job, I must say. Your version was a master piece. You really brought joys into many homes, well, let me speak for myself in this case. Into our home. Your talent was a real blessing. However, you haven’t left a legacy of great actors who can be proud to say that you taught them acting or an acting school or something. You haven’t written a book to admonish us on the pitfalls of being in the high places..What a total waste!!
Number three. People are fake. It’s such a sad affair that sometimes my heart freaks out at the thought of being a celebrity. Its a popular adage that the higher you go the cooler it becomes. Well, this saying was not just for Geography lessons. It was for real life situations. The higher you go in life, the more things I’ll have to battle out. The life of a celebrity is always under scrutiny. You have to maintain an image which honestly is a burden to maintain. You loose friends and gain others too who are fake. It’s as hard as trying to mix water and oil together. You see whether that will ever happen. You find people who want to use you to get to higher places and then dump you when its all been said and done. Your desire becomes just finding someone genuine and when you do find them, you don’t want to ever loose them. You know, I have heard people say that don’t dis your old friends when you are up there. That is so true but what happens when your old friends cannot contain you anymore?When the friendship now becomes a zero sum game and it’s all about what they can get from you and not what you too can benefit. I get these people. I get the fact that sometimes drugs and alcohol abuse becomes the only straw that appears helpful and comforting. The only thing that can numb the pain in your heart that no one knows or no one cares about. And now we want to pretend that we loved you by writing so many posts on face book, twitter and all those social media stuff on how we are so sad loosing you. Kindly don’t buy it. If we did, we shouldn’t have left you to go down that path. We should have written on your face book wall on how much we appreciate your talent and how much your movies affect us. We should have given our all to support what you are doing to sustain your self. We should have visited you in rehab when you were still battling out with depression. Thanks for reminding us how fake we are.
RIP….I hope you find the rest that you greatly yearned for.
Nice work dear it 🙂
Thanks alot for the comment and support….You are the best keep reading 🙂